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General Aims and Exercises

Archived Enneagram Aims

Premise: Type filters impressions into self-fulfilling prophecies. Aim: Replay your past, playing special attention to pictures, assumptions as well as songs. Self observe how your type limited your intake of impressions. Remove your own pair of "type" glasses replaying each event/element without your type filter.
Self observe how this act changes your:

Sense of self

Meta advanced Enneagram
3 forms: 1-4-2-8-5-7

First 'findí and place essence of each type into your own body. Using no words, pantomime the essence of each type before shape shifting into the next type. Do this exercise in sequence including all three forms.

Find essence of only 1 characteristic <>(anger/fear/sloth/judgment, etc.) in each type. Pantomime singular characteristic, i.e. anger in all three forms in sequence.

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