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Advanced Enigmatic Enneagram Sampler

Esoteric Psychology #95
Enneagrams Defense Modes to Conscience

9 > 3  Splitting
3 > 6  Projection
6 > 9  Workaholic
1 > 4  I am already so sorry not to feel at all
4 > 2  What can I do to make up for what i am already not willing to feel
2 > 8  I only fight for good an noble causes
8 > 5  Since I am forever never understood I'll just give up
5 > 7  I need a break for a few small pleasures
7 > 1  For me please is an art form & nobody is as good or deserving of it as me
9 > 6  Paranoid "You just can't be too careful"
6 > 3  Its important to keep up a winning facade
1 > 7  I've worked so heard I really need a break
7 > 5  Boy, everybody's always trying to make me feel guilty
5 > 8  Nobody is going to make me feel bad
8 > 2  Where would they be without me
2 > 4  Nobody realizes how hard I try
4 > 1  I always try to do and be my best


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