As everyone knows who reads my writings and/or attends my lectures, I am forever using quotations of Gurdjieff as well as Jesus Christ to illustrate my point. Let me state, unequivocally, and for the public record, that I do not now, nor ever have equated myself as an equal to either of these two men. However, simply because I am not Jesus Christ does not indicate that I have not walked more than a few miles in Jesus Christ's shoes.
It has been my experience in the Work, that the life and times (situations) of Jesus Christ effectively represents what will happen to any sincere Work student/initiate. In addition, you can bet your bottom dollar that if you
have not been crucified, you have not, as yet, been chosen. I was horrified when I realized that one must be crucified before one can be reborn. I was further horrified to realize that the Work expects It's students to respond to
their own crucifixion from the point of view of the Sermon on the Mount. If the Fourth Way student attempts to either respond in kind and/or attempts to save themselves from this essential experience (being crucified), they fail
the test and are not able to proceed forward. In addition, I am not Gurdjieff, never have been and never will be. I am not his equal. I wasn't there with Gurdjieff gave these aphorisms, nor can I intuit for sure what Gurdjieff
meant by them. Having said that, it's also a fact that I have been able to digest infinite levels of Work meaning from Gurdjieff's aphorisms. I have always admired the ability of anyone to sum up profound truths within a sentence
or two. |