Few realizations are more sobering than the disastrous effects of an unrecognized attitude. Whether the attitude is conscious or not, the effect of an attitude upon human reactive
behavior is as binding as law.For example, imagine the endless series of consequences and effects of retaining the attitude of, "The y
don't know what they're talking about". This specific, unchallenged attitude alone, can and does destroy millions and millions of relationships, world-wide. This mutually debilitating attitude of,
"They don't know what they're talking about", has the dubious ability to destroy both parties at the same time. For the person who holds such an attitude, the attitude feeds their own illusory
sense of superiority, while at the same time, this attitude invalidates the reality of the "other" person. After all, if "other" people don't know what they're talking about, only a fool would actually bother to listen to them.
Nothing can muddy the interpersonal waters better than a display of: |