Has any one of you, (sincere students of the Work), ever wondered if there was a downside to the lives of the idle rich?
"Because psychic pain remains a powerful motivator, pain frequently goads a "reluctant" individual to seek out solutions. This Work teaches one how to sacrifice mechanical suffering through the agency of intentional suffering in order to learn how to suffer consciously." (J. Bennett)
The Idle Rich/Immensely Successful are hard-pressed to feel any form of existential suffering simply because their outer life remains so good. One is reminded of Gurdjieff's observation that thorns in the outside world can, under specific Work conditions, generate the growth of roses in the inside world.
Unfortunately, the opposite remains equally true. A rose-laden outer life can frequently create a crown of thorns within. Boredom does demoralize a few, but pure boredom cannot motivate anyone to begin the long, perilous journey of learning how to go against oneself in order to finally become one self.
It is hard to learn how to look up when looking "out" looks so good. One aspect that the Idle Rich, living at the top of their game frequently exhibit is a valuation for perfection. The aim of self-perfection, especially as it would manifest within these fortunate souls, frequently becomes a supreme goal in their lives. Ironically, it is within the "Idle Rich," as a group, that the Work has the best chance to take 'root' within. It is usually only the Idle Rich who can devote the requisite time to invest in their own ongoing spiritual development.