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 Open letter 2006
 Commentaries 2006
  ·Part I
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  ·Part IV
  ·Part V
  ·Part VI
  ·Part VII
 Aims 2006
 Sojourner Institute
 Sojourner Pass Community
 Communal notes
 Sojourner Pass Press
 Shirra Meiklejohn-Wilson
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Part IVj

If you are the type of individual who always means what you say and you are in a relationship with another person who never means a word that they say, the agency of projection alone will double the volume of mutual, unconscious suffering. Individuals, who always mean what they say, will project that attitude onto "the other", thereby leaving themselves open to disappointment. Conversely, if you are the type of individual who never means a word you say, you, too, will unconsciously assume that "the other" does not mean a word that they say.

In addition, if you are the type of individual who will say anything just to get along, or you are the type of individual who mechanically pronounces your opinion out into the world, never really knowing what you are talking about, you will automatically assume that "the other" does not know what they are talking about as well. Imagine the psycho/spiritual relief to be found once an individual wakes up to the realization of how much mutual projection has added to their own useless, mechanical suffering.


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