if you will, that a Father has three sons, all of which the Father
loves, absolutely. Let us further imagine that each of the three
sons wants to be the favorite son; and, as a result, each son hates
as well as despises his two other brothers.
a little further that each of the Father’s sons spends most of their
time trying to kill, cheat, defame and/or slaughter their brothers.
Imagine still further that each son has convinced himself that their
father wants him, may even expect him, to kill his brothers.
would you feel, if you were God looking down upon your own creation;
while being forced to realize, yet again, that no one really believes
that You actually objectively exist? If you were God, how would
you feel about the fact that humanity has yet to learn how to love
their enemies? How would you like to be God, realizing that humanity
still never learns anything from its past mistakes? Would
you like to be God looking down on three major religions all of
which say that they love as well as attempt to obey You, while each
one wants to kill the other, all in your name?
to me that the whole problem for three major religions, Judaism,
Christianity as well as Islam, began when Abraham sent Hagar out
into the desert wilderness. What Jews as well as Christian appear
to miss, is the fact that God gave Ishmael the same blessing God
gave to Isaac.
some point humanity is supposed to have learned as least one lesson
from the historical record – but we never do. Over and over again,
humanity, as a whole, repeats the same mistakes our forebears did.
One reality lesson we humans never seem to get is, we never seem
to stop projecting evil outside of ourselves. Our enemies are evil.
We are on the side of ‘the good.’
once stated that "nothing deserves a lie" – If you have
to kill your enemy before you can defeat them – you have already
lost the battle. Killing is easy. Learning how to incorporate our
eternal differences into a cohesive, evolving whole, is hard.
we still have to kill each other in order to get anywhere, then
we have remained little more than civilized barbarians. Any idiot
can kill, but who can heal anything anymore? Didn’t Jesus Christ
say that we have to love our enemies as much as we love ourselves?
At this point, we cannot even see much less love anything beyond
we not all convinced that we are, in the right, while the
other remains, in the wrong? Did not Jesus say that anyone
can love their friends, but that God expects us to also love our
enemies? Are we ever going to tire from projecting all of the evil,
stupidity, shortsightedness as well as blame outside of ourselves?
you were God, and therefore no respector of persons, and you looked
upon the current state of terrorism as well as inter-religious warfare,
how would you feel? Do we really believe that Our God is
on our side but their God is a mere Illusion? If we all believe
that there is only one God, can we believe that our God wants us
to kill the rest? Can we be so absurd as to believe that if God
blesses our country, we can count on God’s cursing our enemies?
God cannot be God and want any planetary forms of genocide performed
in His name.
many times does Inquisition consciousness have to raise its ugly
head before we all realize that no one speaks for God? No one has
God on their side but against all others. And God has not told anybody
to judge, sentence nor condemn any others, especially in His name.
cannot dialogue if all we can do is condemn. Dialogue results from
self-discipline, humility as well as respect (knowledge) for the
others position. We need to ask ourselves what made us think
that God had died and that God made us God in His stead?
three religions believe in the same God. Christians believe in Jesus
while Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as well as Mohammed. All three
religions believe in the same Ten Commandments. Both Christians
as well as Muslims believe in the Second Coming of Christ. It is
insane for humanity to find itself in this current religious absurdity.
we so busy looking down upon everyone else that we have forgotten,
yet again, to look up! Instead of spending all of our time justifying
our arrogant, self-righteous pursuits, why not compare our pathetically
‘correct’ points of view in front of the God we all claim
to serve?
to me that now just may be the time to state a spiritual fact; namely,
the emperor still has no clothes on. No one is an expert
on anything. No one speaks for God. No one has been asked by God
to kill another person in God’s name. Perhaps if we could stop pretending
to be God long enough we might realize that we are not God. No one
religion has all the truths. All religions have valid points of
of blasting our enemies to smithereens, why don’t we make the aim
to listen to them? Wouldn’t we all benefit from a mutually respectful
dialogue? Perhaps you say – just how stupid as well as naïve can
this author be? We have talked and talked and talked yet we never
get anywhere. I agree. We have talked ad nauseum but have
we listened at all?
our (collective) points of view are too narrow. Image the outcome
if each of the three major religions put their best w/man into a
spiritual dialogue. Image if the sole aim of this dialogue was to
come up with a mutually beneficial solution. Imagine if the solution
had to be approved, by God as the solution that
God would have suggested? In other words, what would
this ‘alleged’ God, we all love, want us to do at this point?
yes – possible – not as we are. For what it is worth, there is no
law that states that we have to repeat every mistake that ever happened,
thereby, "dying like dogs" Gurdjieff, just
because we always have.
© Sojourner Pass Press